Lecturers (to be completed) > Brice TROUILLET (Univ. Nantes)

Brice Trouillet is a geographer (Associate Professor, University of Nantes / CNRS) whose research concerns the relations between human groups and maritime space. In particular, through the lens of STS and critical approaches, he uses the case of fisheries in marine spatial planning to better understand how issues of power, discourses, knowledge and geotechnologies are intertwined, thus shape some sociotechnical agencements about the marine 'environment'. In other words, his approach is those of a human, social, critical or political geography of the 'environment'.
These last 10 years, he received 4 grants for research projects and has been involved as a participant or as a WP leader in 11 others. He also published 25 peer-reviewed papers (since 2005). Finally, he is strongly implied in research management (e.g., currently deputy director of LETG lab, former member of National committee of the CNRS, etc.).

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